Hi There! Ready to learn some really random facts about me?! Some little-known not often discussed or mentioned things.
Hehe…this should be fun. π

Cred – Melissa McClure Photography
- I’m Short.
If you haven’t meet me in person or got by the family pictures, I am super short. I actually used to be confident in saying “I’m 5’2!” But upon my last doctor’s appointment, I now must accept I’m only a little over 5’1. Yup, I’m shrinking as my kiddo only gets taller and taller. Cruel Fate.
2. Music > Television.
If given the option I pretty much will always choose music…though, I have a soft spot for TLC documentaries like “Married at First Sight” and “90 Day FiancΓ©“.
3. I have a Terrible, but Super Reasonable Fear of Bears.
Really, Truly! Not a fan of bears. Specifically, California Native Bears, like Black, Brown, or Grizzly. Ok, so there is a back story! My family did a trip to Yosemite, end of summer…and well, I saw them up close. Too close. One on a path and I ran (totally opposite what they tell you to do). And, later that same night, like our whole campsite had bears. My sisters and I had to jet into our tent to quickly avoid one at one point. We watched them ripping open lockers, swiping at people, and crunching loudly next to our tent on whatever food they found. I totally get we were in their territory, it’s our fault, especially the time of year, but still, I’m a chicken and, long story short, it was enough to scar me for life.
4. Favorite Holidays!

Ah! It’s hard to pick! I love Halloween for obvious reasons. Christmas and Easter are obviously special, but I totally LOVE Saint Patrick’s Day too! I know that seems like a random one, but my mom’s side is Irish and we always did some fun family stuff with our Nana for it. San Diego has some huge celebrations for it. In fact, my kiddo used to Irish Step Dance. So you can imagine, parades and performances, along with some rainbow and leprechaun stuff. PLUS, IRISH WOLFHOUNDS! They are like my goal dog, but really the only time I get to play with them is the weekend before St. Patrick’s Day. So it’s more than just a “drinking day” for us, but I do look forward to corned beef and cabbage night.
5. I Cry…A Lot When I Hear “Know Who You Are,” from the Moana Soundtrack.
Yeah, it’s no secret I’ve been through some really rough patches and well, I definitely identify with Nefertiti. That “they have stolen the heart from inside you…but, this does not define you” …crap, I’m choking up again! It’s beautiful, but a good reminder, what others do may affect me, but it doesn’t change the person I am. (*I may share later, but I know I’m currently dealing with some stalker issues, so I’ll keep it at that for now. π )
6. Dying to have a Night Circus Themed Party!!!
I love this book! And it was so visual, I just want to use the aesthetics so badly! I also wish there was a sequel but Erin Morgenstern has been very adamant about it being a stand-alone.
7. I Was in my High School’s Show Choir.
Yes, I was a “GLEE” kid, before Glee came out. 2nd Sporono in a very shiny green with chiffon black dress. Sing and dance in heels. Compete. The whole shot. My voice is garbage now though. I sang a bit too much while having Walking-Pneumonia and I’ve never recovered. I actually now have a hard time singing in front of people. The partner actually tries to get me to sing, he’s been in bands and plays multiple instruments, but I chicken out, so no karaoke for me.

8. I Have a FURSONA!
Yup, you read that right, I have my own furry personality. Actually, the kiddo made it based on my personality. Her name is “Pinata” and she’s a rainbow bat with glasses. So cute! Maybe one day I’ll actually get a wearable deal made of her.
Ok, I know this is a big shock to most of you, because I feel like most people assume because I love Labyrinth, I MUST love Dark Crystal…really this couldn’t be further from the truth and I never really understood why people think those 2 align, other than some visuals. No fun music, no Bowie…and it’s soooo slow! I still can’t make it through the Netflix prequel series. Ahhhh, feels good to get this confession out there, lol.
10. I Actually Wanted to be a Sex Therapist.
This actually may explain a lot. And is probably why it’s easier for me to accept things and advocate? Why I am always learning. However, I currently only have my AS in Behavioral Science, and let’s be honest, Student Debt is a killer. But, I still would love to. If you meet me you’ll know, I’m not embarrassed to discuss those types of subjects, in fact, I think it’s fascinating. So I guess it’s good that I can at least blog the subject…when the time is right.

Okay, now that you know some randoms about me, tell me a little random about you!? Don’t be shy, I love to hear from you! Anything random. π

It was fun getting a glimpse of who you are. I can actually sense a fun, layered, creative person. I loved reading about you!
Ok I think being a sex therapist would be SO INTERESTING! Not just because I’m nosy and would hear lots of *ahem* unique scenarios but being able to help folks feel comfortable in their bodies is not too far away from the body positivity movement!
We are the same height so I totally get what the world is like from down here π also I want to meet PiΓ±ata!
Felicia Espinoza
I SO RELATE to everything about this post!! Ello Felicia! You and I are TWINS! πππ
I share so many of these same traits ππ€·π½ββοΈπ