Want to do more good with your dollars this year? Searching for something a little different? Are you ready for Offbeat Gift Guide 2024!?! A little more out of the box and a lot more personality. This is the place to shop for that special someone that “basic” will not do. Or maybe just a […]
Category: Holidays
San Diego-
Not Your Basic Kind of Valentine’s
It’s that time of the year again! Do I dare say it? Valentine’s Day. The one that either you love or dread, but I have some ideas if you to tend to lean more out of the “basic” kind of Valentine’s Day vision. This is meant for all the “Goth Girlfriends,” the nerdy, and even […]
Real Talk
New Year, Now What!?!?!!!
All I can say is WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF 2023!?! So do I dare tempt fate and say anything about “New Year” or 2024 goals or resolutions? Probably not… but here I go, lol. So without getting too depressing or spiraling into an angry rant, 2023 was definitely not my year. Granted, I heard that […]
Nerd Life-
San Diego-
An Offbeat Gift Guide for 2023
Searching for something a little different this year? Ready for Offbeat Gift Guide 2023!?! Even bigger and better than the previous. A little more out of the box and a lot more personality. This is the place to shop for that special someone that “basic” will not do. Or maybe just a little extra help […]