
Nerd Life

Getting the Most Out of Comic-Con@Home (SDCC 2020)

sdcc @home

If you caught my “Crying SDCC Tears – San Diego Comic-Con Thoughts” post you may have read where I promised to get back to you on more ways to do the Comic-Con@Home experience. And the time has come! It is Comic-Con@Home Week!!! Allow me to give you a few tips or ideas, especially now that the full schedule has been released!

Cred – Dude Vader

First, may I suggest you follow Dude Vader‘s example and print out your own Comic-Con @Home Badge! (You may want to order a lanyard.) You can also set up your @Home con experience with all the extra signs they’ve included! …they even have special pet badges!!! Not only that but you can submit your pictures to Comic-Con with the Hashtag “#ComicConAtHomeExperience.”

Now, that you have your badges ready, time to plan out that all to important panel experience! Though, this part isn’t too different from the normal SDCC process. Check the Official Comic-ConHome Schedule page, sign up for “SCHED” and add away all the panels you hope to make it to. Just make sure your YouTube and favorite device to stream to is ready. Panels will be coming on during their timeslot…and you don’t have to wait in a crazy line hoping you get the chance to make it in!

Along with panels, there will still be the Game Room and Activities options, just make sure to look at those links and have your Discord, Facebook Live, and or Twitch set up in addition to YouTube.

@home cosplayJust because you are home doesn’t mean you can’t cosplay! Especially if you have littles! It’s a blast! Order some comic book themed decor for the house and let your kids and yourself get in the mood with your favorite Superhero/Villian personas!  Or go down the Sci-Fi or Anime route! Really there is no wrong cosplay! And better yet, no hot sweaty (slightly stinky crowds). BIG BONUS, You also don’t have to worry about shoe choice!

Last but not least! Before you are done though, don’t forget to stop by Artist Alley, support some artists, order somethings. See the virtual booths and download your souvenir book.

Can’t wait to see you all in person next year! Until then flood me in the comments with yous @Home plans! Menu? Cosplay? Love to hear and see!


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Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

97 posts Articles

4 thoughts on “Getting the Most Out of Comic-Con@Home (SDCC 2020)

  1. FLuke Skywalker

    Fun article! Thanks for sharing it with me, Dude Vader!

    1. admin

      Thank you for stopping by FLuke Skywalker! Glad Dude Vader was able to send you my way. Love your Luke-FLuke, btw, still, remember running into you at SDCC2019 at the Big Trooper Outfit setup, I think I have a pic from that booth on my other SDCC post.

  2. Melissa McClure

    Oooh Artists Alley is my fav! Checking it out now!

    1. admin

      I also started stalking the SDCC tags on IG.
      Did you find anything!? I actually discovered #buttsonthings (Brian Cook) and died! Too cute & funny!

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