Many of us are having a hard time sorting out what to do or how to push this fight after getting the news of Disney’s many donations and support for advocates for the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Maybe even worse, the bill has passed and Disney refuses to issue an apology.
Sorting out feelings. Coming to terms. Hurt? Betrayal? Disappointed. None of these words really feel correct. Nothing really feels like they hit the right cord to express the depth of internal conflict and pain that many “Disney Adults” and “Disney Gays” are currently dealing with. I could only imagine the internal scramble and struggles of those social media personalities that their whole niche and world are wrapped up in this brand. A brand that ultimately used “Disney Gays” funds to attempt to take the rights away from their own community.
I guess, to put it bluntly, WTF DISNEY!?!
Though I mean, I’m not totally surprised when a large corporation does something shady, for Disney to support a bill of the “Don’t Say Gay” magnitude, it’s a heavy blow. This disgusting bill was proposed and ultimately passed (as of March 8th, 2022) in Florida. Home of Disney World! Just in case you haven’t exactly grasped the impact of this bill, well this bill can cost many young queer lives. Perpetuate homophobia. And it’s more than just the anti-LGBTQ+ history and conversations being permitted in the classrooms. This bill also requires school staff to do forced outings to parents within a 6-week timeline, nonetheless. (I believe this specific amendment was eventually removed. Fingers crossed.)
In saying all this, I am still hoping for a quick turnaround and these huge issues addressed. Legislation is undone and proof of support of Disney supporters. I would like to pretend I could do a quick boycott. Unsubscribe to everything, walk away from Disney and have no pain. But sadly, they are so entrenched in my life, our lives, and our homes in many ways that it’s been a huge struggle.
It also became a conversation in my house, my partner has never been a “Disney Fan” so he was hopeful this would be the end. But, it clearly wouldn’t be. When we sat looking around fully realizing how much of our hobbies and collections have been Disney tied. It was clear there was no clear cut or immediate boycott. Realizing what a true monopoly Disney has become. It’s not that I plan to buy anything more or go to a Disney park until this has been addressed. But, it’s not like walking away from a Chick-fil-a and picking Canes instead.
Disney is Marvel, Star Wars, like almost every streaming app, and fandom! It sucks!
I’m still trying to have hope in the greater Disney picture. Because there has been a stark difference in Disney under the direction of CEO Bob Iger to now CEO Bob Chapek. Disney once was a firm LGBTQ+ Community ally. Disney actually turned the pressure on Georgia with their anti-LGBTQ+ legislation back in 2016. While now under the direction of CEO Chapek, Florida seems to be getting full support against the gay community. Even the financial backing of their anti-LGBTQ+ bills with Disney dollars. Dollars made from days such as park “Gay Days” or directly marketed Disney Rainbow Pride merch.
When news of this hit, CEO Chapek chose to go with a non-statement. While former CEO Iger retweeted President Biden in condemning the bill.
As of recently, you can read about Chapek’s latest plan to meet with Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis to discuss the bill here, via The Hollywood Reporter.
Though, allow me to point out its kind of funny that now he’s choosing to pretend to care. He also claims to be donating money $5 million to LGBTQ+ rights organizations. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Also, we have to compare how that donation stacks up against the amount given to those in support of the bill. I have a feeling this is a quick turn in public pr because of the recent Disney Shareholder’s vote. (From what I have seen, I don’t believe Chapek’s job was up for voting.)
Even if Chapek’s role with Disney is currently safe, he still faces an extreme amount of criticism. Not just from “the Disney fans” but employees and others of the animation industry.
I’m just praying that this pressure is enough. I will continue to post and turn up the heat on this topic till our queer Florida kids are safe. This shouldn’t have been a law. This shouldn’t have gotten this far. And Disney sure as hell shouldn’t have been taking our money to help it.
We need to hold these corporations responsible! No matter who they are, this should never be okay. Gay kids are born, whether or not we say “gay.” All these bills do is cause harm and disinformation.
Let’s protect queer youth! I say, “GAY!“