


Gender Reveals Are Problematic.

gender reveal

Just in case you have not realized it yet, Gender Reveals Are Problematic, and that is actually putting it softly. Let’s all be honest, Gender Reveals are actually dangerous as all F!

gender reveal

There are physical, environmental dangers. At least Two smoke bomb reveals (that we know of) have gone wrong and resulted in burning a ridiculous amount of acreage. Burning people’s homes down, endangering lives, and let me repeat this for you, it didn’t happen just once but TWICE! Can we at least agreed that’s ridiculous?

Now let’s address the other dangers these occasions pose. Damages to wildlife, like for outdoor balloon releases or confetti! Huge no-no’s! What goes up must come down. Also, it is known wildlife are at risk of eating and dying from our confetti habits. Not only tangled in balloon strings, or dead from our balloon creations, but this is a huge pollution issue. Don’t believe me on this whole balloon release deal, Click Here. Fine, feel free to pop your balloons indoors with some environmentally safe items inside those big blacked out balloons. Slice into that cake. But, STOP endangering the environment for this!

Besides all of the environmental impacts, let’s get to the nitty-gritty. Here’s the real bit, these “parties” are not exactly without their emotional toll.

I saw one mom quoted as “Your unborn’s gender is 50/50, big whoop!” (I wish I remembered her name to credit.) But, that’s that thing! It’s not 50/50. Life isn’t on a Binary! Even the mom who created and popularized “Gender Reveal Parties” regrets it as one of her children later came out not identifying either of social ascribed gender’s, but non-binary!

I feel and have read other’s echoing my thought that having these gender stereotyping events, can do more harm than good for that child’s future. They now expect to live up to this vision and can develop a lack of trust or feeling safe enough to come out as they truly are. Put yourself in those child’s shoes, would you feel safe coming out? Especially if completely Transgender??

These events just further perpetuate stereotyping and unhealthy gender-norms. And when you step back to realize what is really at the heart of this, you are “celebrating” the unborn child’s genitalia! I don’t know about you, but that just doesn’t sit well with me at all.

gender reveal

With all this said, I just want to say, don’t get me wrong, I still have no problem with having that sonogram and seeing what physical attributes your child may or may not have, but try to go into it with a loose open mind. Remember, gender isn’t what lies between the legs, but between the ears. Gender is decided in the mind, not the genitals. So, fine, give your child some general sense of what you think might be, but don’t force stereotypes upon your child. Don’t limit their toys, shows, or books just based on their genitals. That’s just completely irrational!

And let’s be real, there is especially No Reason to endanger the environment just because your baby has a penis or a vagina! *Intersex happens people. Put your smoke bombs and confetti canons down.

Can we all just agree to stop these stupid “Gender Reveal” Parties already???


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.Β  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

94 posts Articles

22 thoughts on “Gender Reveals Are Problematic.

  1. Mummageddon

    Such an interesting read thank you. I’ve always thought they were kinda odd and here in the UK it was never a thing until recently. Another money making gimmick!

    1. Felicia

      It really is sooo gimmicky! Why is US so Hallmark? I’m hopeful it will fade away here and take a hint from the rest of the world (crossing fingers).

  2. Heather

    Excellent! It’s so important to share this perspective until more people stop and realize what they’re doing. Destroying the planet, while creating shame in the lives of so many children, for what? To celebrate a child’s genitals at birth. It needs to stop!

    1. Felicia

      100%!!! Let’s hope this crap stop soon. I can’t believe I actually wrote and posted this before a firefighter lost his life and many more acers were scorched. So sad.

  3. Ashley

    Thank you for sharing! Gender reveals can be so harmful in many ways. I read about one that went wrong and someone at the party actually died due to a mishandled explosive. No one should die celebrating new life!

    1. Felicia

      Can you believe that? Like did Grandma really have to die just so you could announce?? So sad.

  4. Melissa M

    Thank you for saying it!!! Genitalia reveal! I’m going to say that from now on!

    1. Felicia

      YES!!! That really should be what they are called. πŸ˜‰

  5. Jen

    Great read. I also agree that gender reveals are ridiculous. Just another social media constructed thing, all for the pictures. There are ecological ways to celebrate, but it’s crazy how some people get with these reveals.

    1. Felicia

      That’s my partner’s view too. He says, “…all this just for a damn photo op, just cut your cake and stop expecting extra presents for your bonus party.” It’s all so ridiculous.

  6. Jess

    Couldn’t agree more!
    At this strange it is just ridiculous and problematic!
    Great post.

    1. Felicia

      Thank you. Hopefully, this trend has met it’s ending now.

  7. nadine friedman

    Very interesting read. Makes you think.
    Great blog!

    1. Felicia


  8. Cindy

    I agree that they are definitely annoying. When we found out if my children had penises or vagina, we told our immediate family and skipped the whole dramatic waste of money. Save your money for cloth diapers and nipple cream…. you’ll need it!!

    1. Felicia

      Soooo true!! We found out my reason’s genitalia, gave my mom some flowers with a note on the card, and left it at that. We totally used all that extra money on the required wipes and diapers. I don’t get it.

  9. Rachel Hall

    Totally agree with your comments. I think they are a risk to the environment too and we shouldn’t impose our children. Gender is definitely in the mind!

    1. Felicia

      Completely!!! Hoping we can do better for these kids.

  10. Julie Christy

    I have never thought about this, but how true! Thank you for bringing awareness to this topic!

    1. Felicia

      Thank you. <3 Trying.

  11. Sarah S

    I don’t get the pyro-technics.
    I think it became such a popular concept because baby showers were so female exclusive and people wanted to celebrate together. But it definitely went off the deep end and why can’t we just celebrate new life together?
    Great post!

    1. Felicia

      I never understood that either? Why shouldn’t everyone be invited to celebrate at the shower, mine was actually co-ed. These gender divisions need to end. And, same with the baby pyro-technics. πŸ˜‰

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