Am I really ready to say “Goodbye to 2024” and “Hello to 2025”??? Well, not exactly, but here we go!
{Insert mental note of all the memes “still processing trauma from 2020”.}
Let’s chat about the things that were and what’s to come.
I wouldn’t say 2024 had any personal big anything that makes me want to hold on to it or hurry to pass it, but time seems to be whipping by. Cliche as it is, it’s true. The older you get the faster it goes, I suppose. Maybe that’s also just part of being a parent? It’s like blinking and we are on to the next stage. Can we slow time, just a tiny bit? Maybe, partially, I just want to delay the presidential change as long as possible. Because let’s face it, that’s a big enough reason not to want to speed run into anything.
Though, I said 2024 didn’t have anything huge in it, there kind of was one thing. Those of you who have been following all the Ello Felicia socials got all the surprise updates and a real-time explanation of content slowdowns. And if you haven’t here is the update! I returned to school.
It was a very last-minute decision, but such a good one and probably overdue. My partner had returned to school semesters ahead of time and a lot of my side gig jobs weren’t making progress. It just all hit me. “…Well there is financial aid, maybe I could brush up on a few things…” Renew my strengths. Make me more marketable and get more updated academic terms in my pocket. So, I leaped. All in, a full-time college student again. The first time since 2011 (eek).

The first day back on campus I had a meeting with a counselor. And wow, did that meeting rock my plans! What was supposed to be the “dip my toes” back in the semester became a mad dash full of deadlines and quick decisions. She informed me I was only 4 classes away from an AA-T in Psychology and transferring to a university. With a short window of self-debate and long talks with my partner, my whole course was to change. I scraped what I had scheduled and went for the new plan. I nearly flipped my whole Fall semester schedule within 24 hours of starting. (The irony, only my LGBTQ+ history course would stay. So much for entrepreneurship.)
A few months in I attended a transfer fair and was pushed in a completely different route! Yet again, another pivot. One local university was heavily insisting on an LGBTQ+ major instead of Psych. Ok, maybe not a completely different, but not the way I had thought. Very interesting. Possibly the thing, but this will depend on the next bit. That being the university part and for the spring course load to cover more prerequisites.
By the end of November, I applied to four universities. December applying for commencement. And, I have so far heard back from one, “accepted.” I have yet to celebrate that, as there is a lot to consider before that step, but it’s something.
I have been nudged in directions I never would have thought and with that 2024 has been quite a year of growth.
It’s been a year of hurry-up and wait. Quick pivots and holding until the next clear path. I am hoping 2025 brings more clear direct paths and all the 2024 foundation makes it easier to decide.
I won’t lie, the United States presidential election really has us still on edge, and a lot of that wait-and-see happening. We have been very unsure what Trump’s win would mean for my college course or living situations. Like most LGBTQ+, people with uteruses, and first-generation Americans things are in limbo. We are hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, and who knows this might be a sign of what I’m needed most for.
Where I feared LGBTQ+ as a study would be removed, this might be more in need.
2025 will be the year of no resolutions. Maybe a vision board with paths? This will be a different kind of manifesting year. Possibly instead I should attempt one of those “Word of the Year” deals. “Clarity” sounds about right.
2024 left a lot of questions, but we always need a good foundation year. I can at least thank 2024 for that. So, goodbye 2024! Hello 2025! No poking, no jinxing. We’ll just see what it brings.

But how about you?! How was your year? How are you feeling right now? Are you attempting goals? Boards? Words? Comment below, I would love to hear what you are thinking or trying for 2025.