

Nerd Life-


“How do I Come Out as a Furry?” And Other Furry Questions

furry questions

Time to return to the Furry Fandom! This time I asked my kiddo to join in and help me answer some of your deepest Furry Questions.

How do you explain it to others?

It’s nothing other than a hobby, so if someone asks I recommend explaining it just like any other hobby. I tend to say, “I like to draw, draw anthropomorphic animal characters.” Or if you are into suiting it’s the same as cosplay, so you could just say “You know how you dress up on Halloween? Well, I do that for fun! But, it’s my own creation (original creation, aka OC) and it’s an anthropomorphic animal character.”

What exactly is being a furry other than being in a costume?

furry questions

Pretty much, but some extra fun things added to that costume. Most people join the furry fandom because they love the anthropomorphic animal characters they’ve seen in the fandom. Others like the suit aspect, even to use it as an escape from the real world (like most other cosplayers, but with big fluffy animals). Art is another big draw into the fandom. (No pun intended.) The hobby just has a lot of fun character creation aspects and gives lots of creative outlets. Each person you ask will probably have a different reason for joining the fandom, some aren’t just for the costume bit.

I highly recommend watching “The Furry Fandom” movie on Youtube, it explains everything in a really great way and it’s very educational on the history of the fandom.

What creatures qualify as a “furry”?

Any creatures do! There are special terms for some, such as anything with scales some people call them “scalesonas” instead of the default “fursonas” (a play on persona). Generally, anything that is an anthropomorphic animal will be just called a “furry”.

What’s the deal with furry art? (I’m in a “Bluey” Mom’s Group and keep seeing “Furry, Fursona, Stolen Furry Art” mentions.)

furry stolen art

It’s just drawings of different people’s “fursonas.” Like turning the fursuit into artwork creations. Sometimes these OCs people have created get stolen and sold by Amazon thinking they are in this case tied to the kid’s show without crediting the actual artists or bothering to check that they aren’t in fact a “Bluey” character. Happens a lot in bulk sticker orders in any kind of fandom, sadly art gets stolen all the time.

I do recommend checking out some Furry Artist/Creators/Makers on Etsy though, there is so much variety and neat things people can turn their characters into.

How do I come out as a furry?

Okay, if you haven’t guessed by some of the previous questions, but you don’t. Truly, you don’t! It’s just like cosplay or any other hobby. No one has to “come out” as a cosplayer so you wouldn’t need to as a furry. It’s just your interest and an expensive hobby, so really there’s no reason and don’t over-stress or think this. Relax and enjoy your creative outlet. If you are a “young fur” and just meaning how do you explain this hobby to your parents, maybe this previous article of mine might help – “So Your Kid Wants to be a Furry…” (lots of other helpful links in there too).

furry questions

Thank you to all those that reached out and asked your “Furry Questions” for the post. We lumped some together if they were too similar, but I think we hit them all. But, if we missed your furry questions or this makes you have more feel free to drop them in the comments below! We’re always happy to help and enjoy the furry chats. 😉

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Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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One thought on ““How do I Come Out as a Furry?” And Other Furry Questions

  1. Melissa

    What a great potential resource for others out there! Good job Mama!

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