
Mental Health-

Real Talk

I Am Burnt Out.

burnt out

Burnout is real. Burnout is here. And ya, I’m big-time burnt out. The bigger picture and probably more critical piece is discussing ways of recognizing burnout and getting yourself out, especially if you have already hit the “burnt out” stage.

burnt out at a desk

Let’s face it the world is heavy right now and easy to get stuck in all the doom and gloom. I’m not saying these feelings aren’t at all justified, but it comes with a heavyweight. I know for myself I have experienced more need for work breaks than ever before.

If you aren’t new here or to my socials most of this probably won’t surprise you, as I wrote about the importance of mental health before. You also get that not all my topics are of a lighter nature, especially as of late with the laws being proposed against the LGBTQIAP+ community. Taking in attack after attack on my child and my community has not been easy. But sometimes, we have to take a break and reset for ourselves. It’s been hard having to take these steps back, but I know they were necessary.

The key is recognizing when that weight is becoming too much.

Signs of Burn Out-

  • “Overwhelm”
  • Dread
  • Depression
  • Short Temper
  • Feeling Helpless
  • Loss of Motivation
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Trouble Enjoying
  • Disconnect

Obviously, that is just a short list of some of the very basic signs, but it’s important to check in with yourself. Really, you are the only one that can truly feel that something is a miss.

I knew when “disconnect” and just feeling helpless was my main defaults. I do this as my job because it actually lets me feel like I am able to help. It’s hard to feel like we’re just sitting on the sidelines waiting for some politician to control our fates. This is my way of taking control, giving back, and protecting. But I knew I was losing sight of it. It’s hard to keep sharing events and protests when it all just felt like a pile of bricks. It was time for some resetting and tools that needed to be brought in.

More Ideas to Help-

  • Make yourself a priority.
  • Take those nature walks for your mental health.
  • Drink your water.
  • Rest.
  • Meditate.
  • Practice breathing techniques.
  • Grounding exercises (practicing being present, even touching grass).
  • Therapy.
  • Journaling.
  • Yoga or basic stretches.
  • Get a massage. (Check Groupon if budgeting is an issue.)
  • Do what refills your soul.
burnt out meditation singing bowls

Besides that list of things and on top of the other ideas guests and I have previously shared, something that I’ve recently been adding to my routine is singing bowls. I noticed getting into meditation or trying to quiet my mind was not possible, but doing a little YouTube search for the right singing bowl session was just the trick, especially when trying to unwind into a bedtime routine. It’s worth giving a shot. Another really short but helpful article to check out is “Avoid the Burnout in Life and Business” by Melissa McClure. I’m going to be honest, personally, I’m still not the best at her first point, I need some more work on the “inner child” stuff.

That’s the thing with mental health, it’s not a one thing cures all, but it’s all worth trying. The only way to break out of the loop is by stepping outside of it.

Don’t get me wrong, I am still burnt out. But, I am making progress.

Taking the steps of getting back out here. That’s what matters. It’s all about recognizing it and taking the actions needed to get back to work and life. If you feel off and something is wrong, listen to that voice and take the steps to get help. We all need help and extra tools from time to time. No shame in it. Make sure you are making your mental health a priority.

I Am Burnt Out. pin


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

97 posts Articles

One thought on “I Am Burnt Out.

  1. Brandi (Sunrises2Sunsets)

    Great ideas to help! Those things always make me feel better. I’ve never heard of singing bowls though, I’ll have to look that one up!

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