

Mental Health-

Real Talk

Mental Health Comes First.

mental health first

If you aren’t new to me, this may not be a surprise, but Mental Health is soooo important to me. Mental health is HEALTH. Therapist appointments are just as important as our other doctor appointments. With all the things going on it’s important we have this talk.

I have definitely been having to focus more on my mental health these days. No longer is it just dealing with the stressors and personal traumas of my life, but the picture has been so much bigger. The world is possibly about to break out into World World 3 and the US’ many states pushing awful anti-reproductive rights and record numbers of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation! It all could be enough to break anyone.

mental health first

It can really get to be too much doom and gloom to take in. Constantly having to flag the injustices, bring attention to the social injustices, it can really get draining. Even if it’s researching and sharing resources to turn it into some kind of positive help for someone, it’s a lot. It’s not like I can just bury my head in the sand and go ostrich, people need help. I can help, but I also know it’s necessary to take breaks and get myself help or I couldn’t. As they say, “you can’t pour from an empty bucket.” So, therapy.

The funny thing is my last session was filled with not only my personal drama and traumas but that of current events. My therapist is aware of my work and understands that times like this means I’m in the thick of it. In fact, she thanked me for what I was doing. Reminded me how important it was, but also asked me what I’m doing for myself? How am I giving myself breaks and relief? Which, let’s be real, no matter what you do for a living, it’s easy to forget that you are important, so it’s always nice to hear you make a difference. It’s also easy to forget to do things for yourself and to protect yourself.

So, what are you doing for yourself???

Things I’m implementing, that might help you-

  • #1 – Therapy! Don’t ever take the weight of the world on by yourself. Don’t think you are by yourself or have to try to process all these things by yourself. Put your mental health first.
  • Social Media Breaks, yes, even if your job requires it. Give yourself at least 24 hrs off! My personal goal is to stay mostly off on the weekends, but at minimum Sundays.
  • Meditiation
  • Me Time! Bubble bath? Excersize? Vent art? Sex? Read that Book? Do what works for you!
  • Create Boundries. It’s okay to say let’s pause this conversation if it all seems too much. You don’t have to be there for everyone and everything at all times. It’s healthy to establish boundres. (Btw, this was the biggest and hardest one for me to learn.)
  • Nature. Camp, Road Trip, Beach, Park…Touch Grass!

Really there is no wrong answer, but do what will help you. Also, here are a few other Guest Bloggers and their suggestions – “Mental Wellness Self-Care Ideas and the Importance of Emotional Safety” and/or “7 Ways to Boost Your Mental Wellbeing.” Maybe those will speak to you and give you something else that you possibly haven’t thought of.

To be honest, with my line of writing and social media presence niche, it all seems so inescapable and definitely can feel beyond overwhelming. I have tried to channel some of that nervous energy into productive helpful posts, but sometimes I just have to pause. Step back from media and my normal posting schedule to maintain a healthier balance and protect my mental state. In fact, I totally debated even posting this week. But, the irony of March 21st-25th being “National LGBTQ+ Health Awareness Week” kind of felt like a must. Too fitting to not finish with this post idea, which kind of just started out as a vent, lol. So a productive rant, I guess.

Let’s make sure to put our Mental Health First! And no stigma in finding help or creating those healthy boundaries. We’re in this together. Do what helps you most.

Mental Health Comes First


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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