

Can I get a Refund for 2020 on my Passport?


I know I’m not alone in wondering about passport refunds for 2020? Or even just a year extension??? I mean it seems only fair after all the 2020 travel bans. I really just have to ask. Lol!

Like many out of you, I had gone into 2020 with this whole grand scheme of travels! So many travels! Not only that but for the first time in my life and my child’s WE GOT PASSPORTS! So excited! I was finally going to get those stamps in my book and be a real traveler!

Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t going to be my first time outside the US, but prior to 9/11 going to Mexico from San Diego was not really a passport kind of deal, so I was excited to really be doing it now.

I probably shouldn’t really be complaining though. I was however lucky to get one trip to Canada…in February…right before the whole lockdown deal happened. But still, it hurts. I look at that little blue book and my heartaches…ok, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but truly! So many plans!

It was a nice quick trip for a family wedding, we even got a few hours in Banff. Nothing big because we had passports now, it was going to be so easy to head back. Even at the time, it was no big deal that the kiddo opted out of that trip. Flying in the height of winter in Calgary didn’t sound that appealing to a little San Diego Native, no big. We’d just go back for Summer when Lake Lousie was kyack-able. We would see more family and more sites this time with the kid in tow.

HA! 2020 laughed at those that made plans.

I feel like that quote from Woody Allen (though I hate to quote him, though he may have been right), “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.”

I think the worst tease was how FREAKING CHEAP AIRFARE was this year! It was enough to drive a person crazy, like, “hmmm spread disease and potentially die….BUT, I can finally see this Bucket List place!?” Terrible, I know.

Totally wishing I had a crystal ball that would tell me when it would be safe again because I would definitely be buying ahead. With no green light for flight insight, I am currently, not envying all my Travel Blog friends.

Glad my passport and travel tales only holds a tiny portion of my content, but with that being said, let’s all take a deep breath.

Pray. Hope. Do our part, wear a mask. Stay home…and wait to see the vaccine do its thing. Crossing Fingers we’ll be clear to travel again soon! (“Soon” being a relative term.)

Tell me, did you have a travel plan(s) canceled? What’s first on your safe travel list? Are you suffering or enjoying the forced grounding?

Most importantly, how are you hanging in there??? I’m gonna be honest, getting antsy myself. Hopefully, it will get safe enough for at least another staycation, soon.

passport pin


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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2 thoughts on “Can I get a Refund for 2020 on my Passport?

  1. Chyna | MadeNewMama.com

    My Jamaica trip was canceled in 2020. I had plans of starting my international travel journey but that was on hold. Hopefully, I will be able to re-group in Canada this year of 2021.

    1. Felicia

      Totally just sitting here, patiently waiting, lol. Hopefully, 2021 can start turning stuff around.

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