All I can say is WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF 2023!?! So do I dare tempt fate and say anything about “New Year” or 2024 goals or resolutions? Probably not… but here I go, lol.
So without getting too depressing or spiraling into an angry rant, 2023 was definitely not my year. Granted, I heard that from a lot of folks also.
(Side note, confession, for some reason every time I think about that “…wasn’t my year” my brain automatically has to play the damn “Friends” theme song. Every damn time.)

But, really! 2023 was such a running up a hill, ball of stress, and a total rollercoaster all at once.
I was naive thinking the last few months would mellow out and give me a break to end the year. I swear Fall had other plans.
If you have been following me for some time you probably saw a lot of posts about moving. Of course, moving is always a nightmare, but I told myself once we are safe and in our new place all will be well in the world. Ya, (insert eye roll) I’m great at jinxing myself. It had become one thing after another after another.
All this to say, I think I have finally learned my lesson. New Year’s Eve wasn’t some eventful shindig. Stayed home with the kiddo (and their friends) watched all the fireworks and countdown streams and called it a night. Didn’t even dare do a celebratory post anywhere. I know better.
So here I am, weeks into 2024, and waiting for things to feel different.

No pressure 2024. No “new year, new me,” no resolutions, no vision board. Just me asking the universe to make 2024 a little kinder, if possible …if that’s not too much to ask?
And for those that don’t know, I actually really rock my resolutions and whatnot, but it feels like we’ve been playing some dangerous game of tempting fate these past few years. So, I promise to be a good kid and not poke the metaphorical bear.
Commensurate with me over the failings of 2023 and let’s be gentle with each other in 2024.

Sorry 2023 was so hard! I had a very similar 2023– rollercoaster, uphill battle, ugly, unfavorable, all the things. It helps me to think of the hero’s journey and knowing that all blessings and growth comes from the challenges. Wishing you a great 2024!