As some of you know, my birthday just passed, and well, birthdays tend to bring about reflection. This year is only a slightly different kind of reflection thanks to this whole quarantine thing. This is gonna sound a little funny, especially since I thought I knew myself really freaking well, like who doesn’t get a […]
Gender Reveals Are Problematic.
Just in case you have not realized it yet, Gender Reveals Are Problematic, and that is actually putting it softly. Let’s all be honest, Gender Reveals are actually dangerous as all F! There are physical, environmental dangers. At least Two smoke bomb reveals (that we know of) have gone wrong and resulted in burning a […]
San Diego
{Sponsored Post} San Diego Date Ideas During COVID Times
***Received experience as compensation for review, but thoughts and experience are my own. (Thank you, Eco Boat Rentals)*** We’ve all been in quarantine for a while now and day by day the rules and regulations change, but some sense on normalcy is required, and that includes Dating your Partner. Dates will also help get you […]
My Child Just Came Out! Now What?
Hi There! I assume if you are here, you are at the beginning of this journey and your wonderful child just came out to you. So, first and most importantly, just BREATHE. Here I will share some resources and steps that we took and hopefully they will be a help to you all on your […]