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Random Things I’ve Learned About Myself in Quarantine


As some of you know, my birthday just passed, and well, birthdays tend to bring about reflection. This year is only a slightly different kind of reflection thanks to this whole quarantine thing. This is gonna sound a little funny, especially since I thought I knew myself really freaking well, like who doesn’t get a wake-up call post-divorce? But, low and behold, in Quarantine I have learned some things about myself…

I am the Crazy Plant Lady!

This one, I had a slight feeling, because I did miss have a garden and back yard, but I am really more “Crazy Plant Lady” than I ever thought. Let me put it this way, I’m not sure how I would do surviving quarantine in this house for so long if I wasn’t surrounded by plants. The greenery is EVERYTHING! I mean, there are proven positive effects houseplants can have for people’s mental well-being along with oxygen levels. šŸ˜‰

Literally this morning, I did my morning check on the plant babies…crap, see, it seems weird just calling them “plants“…anyhow, I was doing my routine, and my partner turns from his morning Reddit & DoTA routine and goes, “Are you talking to the plants?” but more in a statement fashion. He, in fact, proceeds to point out I have a different tone when I talk to them. Lol! Apparently, I have that talking to a pet or baby voice when talking to my plants. Some actually have personalities…I guess it’s a thing. But, really I blame Kiko+Sven‘s Instagram for sparking this obsession back up. They made it too easy! Contact-less pick-up and all. (Look them up if you are a San Diego Local, support a small business.)

I like Jumpers.

learned about myself

Ok, hear me out! I never got too into the romper trend. I just couldn’t, my proportions are just so wrongly distributed that the top never matched the bottom. And well, then here comes Quartine + heatwave after wave. I see a few friends in these Harem Jumpers, next thing I know I’m looking on Amazon and taking a risk. And who would had guessed it, I’m in love. Such a perfectly easy, lazy outfit, and great for the occasional time that I actually get to the park or a beach.

I HATE wearing a Bra!!!

Now, this one is gonna sound goofy as we all hear women complain of bras…a lot! But, I have like no chest, so I’ve always insisted on bras with the underwire to give a little something. But, as time in quarantine was passing I noticed more and more days of skipping or favoring bralettes or sports bras (basic stretchy) on those days that bras are a must requirement. It is so hard to force myself to wear a bra these days! I seriously never would have believed it. I get all you braless women now. I’m converting!

Curly hair routine works WAYYYY better!

learned about myself

I know in most of my blog press stuff, like headshots I almost always have curly/wavy hair, but if you’ve met me in real life (pre-COVID) you would have most likely seen this bone straight hair or this humid frizzy mess. Nothing really in between, though I was starting to get a feeling my hair was becoming less of the straight I was used to and more of my toddler days curl hidden in here, somewhere, but wasn’t positive.

Now enter TikTok! I’m seeing this curly hair routine, random products, and people trying in shock with the end result ALWAYS CURLY! Didn’t matter length or type and a lot had my same frizz-ball starting point. So, figured why not? Ordered one thing of just the after shower curl cream and immediately saw a difference! So took the full leap and bought shampoo and conditioner too and now my hair is wavy/curly healthy! So amazing! Who would have guessed?

I can actually survive just fine being stuck in the same house with my partner… (shock).

learned about myself

If ever there was a test in compatibility, full-blown quarantine lock-down was it! But Thanking FATE, God, Destiny, I freaking love my partner! I mean, had this been in my previous steps in life fully gonna admit, I’m not sure if both of us would have survived. Ha!

In this relationship, we barely found ourselves ever on a different page. Don’t get me wrong, nothing is perfect, we’ve had more missteps or conversations when our schedules were hectic, but nothing, really nothing when in lockdown. I was blown away because let’s admit it, no matter how much you love or say someone is your favorite, does anyone ever want an endless supply of time in the same space with no breaks? I mean there is a reason why it’s a good idea to have lives and work outside the home life. We just got lucky. I am incredibly thankful that out of my whole life, it was now, with him that this pandemic occurred.

My Voice is Stronger…than I knew.

As many of you know, I have been blogging for a long time. I have also in my private life been very active politically, but the 2 had never crossed paths. And here we are now, it’s my passion. It’s my fuel. Surprisingly, the one thing I had been discouraged from sharing in the past had become the thing that my friends and followers had asked me to share most. This is a time a lot of us have felt powerless and hopeless, and instead, during quarantine, I have found my voice and a platform to do so. I am ever so thankful! This one couldn’t have happened without all of you. <3

So, what have you learned about yourself in this strange time???


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.Ā  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

97 posts Articles

20 thoughts on “Random Things I’ve Learned About Myself in Quarantine

  1. Cindy

    What an awesome list! During quarantine I also learned I love being with my partner. I’ve also learned that I love working out…. which I never would have thought- EVER lol

    1. Felicia

      That’s awesome! Keep it going. šŸ˜‰ …pretty funny the partner thing, right? Like it should be a give-in, but we so know it isn’t. Lucky us!

  2. Jess

    Love it!
    I agree about the curly hair routine!
    I have really embraced my natural curls since lockdown!
    Also great to hear you can stand living with one person for that whole time! We almost killed each other šŸ˜‚

    1. Felicia

      I’m all for embracing natural! My hair is loving the fewer washes too.
      Haha, sorry, I know being in lockdown with anyone is never easy, maybe check out my date post and try some of that out to keep you all from killing each other, lol!

  3. Julie

    It sounds like you have had some awesome revelations in lockdown! The best one your realization that you and your partner are so compatible! Braless, indeed, I hate having to go out, since I have to put on a bra to do it! Lol.

    1. Felicia

      Haha! Seriously, running to do a chore is so much harder now, bra…and REAL pants. Ha! Thanks, I know I’m lucky to have him.

  4. Jessica

    It helps when we can embrace all the extra alone time with our partners. Definitely one of the benefits to quarantine!

    1. Felicia

      It does. We just started having some alone time, but it’s not much, but that is also a help. I’m happy that we managed as long as we did!…with a tween!

  5. Sarah S

    Love your list!!
    It’s a great thing to feel more empowered with our voices and even our hair!
    I ended up giving up most make-up too, realized I didn’t enjoy it.
    We weren’t crazy plant people before- only one houseplant that somehow thrived on spastic care, but we got lots of plants over quarantine and now the one that survived for years is dying because I’m taking care of it regularly- LOL!
    Great post!

    1. Felicia

      Yes!! Empowering those voices! Also, easier to take chancier leaps when you know you aren’t really going anywhere anyhow. I’ve noticed I’m more careful with my makeup too, and barely wear, as you see in the pics on the blog. I’m definitely embracing some more natural looks now.

  6. mummageddon

    Power to no bra and natural hair. Great article

    1. Felicia

      And thanks šŸ˜‰

  7. Melissa Mc

    Love all of these!! I too, have found a voice in lockdown that I didn’t know was in me!

    1. Felicia

      And what an AMAZING Voice it is. šŸ˜‰

  8. Kirsten

    Iā€™m so with you on this. Bras have got to go and Iā€™m embracing my curly girl hair!

    1. Felicia

      Hehe! Yeah! Down with bras! And I’m sure your hair is thanking you too. šŸ˜‰

  9. Tisanke Joy Simasiku

    šŸ˜‚ I so hate bras and wish I could do without them. But my chest can’t let me šŸ˜‚
    Quarantine has taught me soooo many things about myself. Including the fact that I can actually run a website!
    I also realised how much I love indoors. I stayed inside my yard for 3 months straight and never missed outdoors one bit. I realised I want to spend the rest of my life as a work at home mom.
    Thank you for this post. Loved it

    1. Felicia

      Awh! All the good things! Sounds like Quarantine is bringing a balance to your life that you didn’t even know you were missing. Wishing you the best for work at home life!

  10. Kathleen Wonders

    This is just such a fun and uplifting post! Totally agree with the bras! One of the positive things about quarantine. LOL

    1. Felicia

      Haha! Seriously is. šŸ˜‰

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