


San Diego

{Sponsored Post} San Diego Date Ideas During COVID Times

covid date ideas

***Received experience as compensation for review, but thoughts and experience are my own. (Thank you, Eco Boat Rentals)***

We’ve all been in quarantine for a while now and day by day the rules and regulations change, but some sense on normalcy is required, and that includes Dating your Partner. Dates will also help get you through all that time in lock-down with your significant other and be a much-needed bonding dopamine boost. AKA, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND scheduling dates while in quarantine! Trust me it will make all the difference.

So, here are some of our COVID date ideas:

Idea #1 – Date Night at Home

COVID date ideas

Dinner & A Movie, up your game from “Netflix & Chill.”

Yes, this is possible, even with kids, but make them be your servers or turn it into a family date night. Fake fancy restaurants, complete with menus, and fancy place settings. We are lucky, our tween was more than happy to just have time alone and eat in their room for once.

My partner cooked. I picked the movie. It was great! And sooo needed. (Perfect for heavy lockdown requirements too.) Board games or a painting night are also just as fun if movies aren’t hitting it.

If you want more Stay Home Ideas, QUIRKY DATE IDEAS FOR COUPLES IN LOCKDOWN from Faded Spring.

Idea #2 – Outdoor Dining

COVID date ideas

We’re so lucky to live in a place where the weather is practically always outdoor-friendly, so a lot of restaurants have wonderful outdoor options, think of Fig Tree in Pacific Beach, Lumi Rooftop, or insideOUT. (And, yes, I am still recommending outdoor as said before restrictions change day to day.)

By the way, insideOUT is amazing! Totally prepared, not only temp checks at the door and mask policy enforced with their creative outdoor Hillcrest setting, but they even have hand-sanitizer ready at every table and a QR code menu. Felt very safe, but also relaxed there. Gorgeous restaurant, great food, and friendly awesome staff.

Another great idea is order from your favorite for curbside pick-up and make it a park/beach picnic! Get some fresh air and support your local restaurants. Win-Win!

No matter which way you go, please remember to Tip Generously! Especially in these times. The restaurant industry was hit hard, every penny counts.

Idea #3 – Get Physical! Something Different, Rent a Paddle Kayak from Eco Boat Rentals

COVID date ideas

This one is a great solution for those over being stuck indoors. Over the same repetitive ideas. Longing even for a change of working out routine. We LOVED this! Truly!

First booth on the pier, easy to find. No beach crowds. Such a change of pace and scenery. It wasn’t the typical kayaking spot either, so no matter your level of experience it’s easy to do and provided scenery that isn’t possible in a hike.

The nice thing with this is also the workout impact level is completely up to you. We opted for a “Hobie Double Pedal Kayak” so we can do it together, but you can always opt for separate singles for a more side by side adventure. They even have a fishing option if you have more time. Also, if it’s too sunny an umbrella shade attachment. (We did an early morning outing didn’t require one on our last excursion.)

Totally socially distant, and it was clear they had the COVID protections in place. And we even made animal friends on our trip out, you might too. The seal lions were an added bonus. Also, after you’ve worked up an appetite Point Loma Seafoods is Right There! And so fresh and yummy for those seafood lovers like myself.

*Just remember to bring water and sunscreen.*

eco boat rentals ello felicia

Extra Bonus for my readers, Eco Boat Rentals has offered an Extra $5 Off their already low pricing for your reservation. Just use Promo Code ElloFelicia at check out.


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

97 posts Articles

22 thoughts on “{Sponsored Post} San Diego Date Ideas During COVID Times

  1. Ana De- Jesus

    These are great date ideas and I like how they are creative and different to the norm. Thank you for including my post on quirky date ideas for couples. I would like to try renting out a paddle kayak as that sounds like so much fun!

    1. Felicia

      Welcome, your ideas were so fun too I just had to direct some to you! I hope you also get a chance to try out kayaking some days, it was so fun!

  2. Jessica

    Great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Felicia

      Thank you.

  3. Louise

    Fabulous ideas! Stay safe. Kia kaha xx

    1. Felicia

      Yes! Stay safe!! The number one priority. hope the ideas help you too. 😉

  4. hari

    interesting ideas.
    I love the board game/watching a movie together tip!
    thanks for sharing.

    1. Felicia

      Welcome! Hope you have a Fab Date Night!

  5. Elle

    I really love the good ol’ netflix and chill! 😌💕 Thanks for this post, Ello Felicia 🌻

    1. Felicia

      Haha, nothing wrong with that too 😉 Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  6. Kimberly

    I love this, especially the one about the fake fancy restaurant (my son would LOVE to participate in this date night…haha). Thanks for the unique tips, I look forward to trying some of them!

    1. Felicia

      I swear anything to keep the kiddos entertained too 😉 Very welcomed! You’ll have to tag me if you get pics of the fun family date night. <3

  7. Sheila Berg

    Great ideas! It’s so easy to let the social distancing take over and sabotage your plans for fun. So important to keep your relationship a priority and think outside the box for ways to enjoy time together!

    1. Felicia

      Truly! So important to make relationships a top priority, glad we thought of some ways to do so even with a kid and a pandemic happening. Hopefully this also helps others think of new ways as well. Gotta get creative these days.

  8. Lyssa

    Awe, these ideas were so cute. I will be sure to keep them in mind if my husband and I are ever in the San Diego area.

    1. Felicia

      At least some are tweakable for where you are, but for sure, you’ll have to check these places out if you ever get to visit. 😉

  9. Denise Gardiner

    Great date ideas. I love dinner and a movie night as it seems to be the safest idea where you can really relax without worrying about people who don’t wear masks or social distance. I am a little more cautious being in my late 60s. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Felicia

      I totally understand that. I’m immune compromised so we definitely have to try all the safest ways.

  10. Vinn

    Some brainstorming and being creative can make date nights extraordinary. A good meal and a great movie can be magical.

    1. Felicia

      I swear those home nights really can be tops. I am so thankful for them.

  11. Nimalee Chandrasekara

    Great ideas! I love the post and thank you for sharing!

    1. Felicia

      Welcome. 🙂

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