I might be a rare person that does pretty well with “New Year’s Resolutions,” though I’m still constantly working on mine from the last few years, but figured this was going to be a different year. Not a “new year, new me” kind of year. More like working on focus and goals, a vision. This is a vision board kind of year.
Have you made a vision board before? I have in business settings and in past years even with the kiddo. We would have some together time making ours for the year. But, it’s been a few years of not doing them, plus not trying to pressure 2023, so I figured this would be a good year to return to this idea.
If you are new to the “vision board” idea let me tell you there is no wrong way to go about this. They can be as big or as small as you want. As creative or as simple as you want. They can be hung as a visual reminder of some of those goals/visions you are manifesting. I personally like the visual reminder aspect. We always end up hanging ours close to our desks. Sometimes I’ve made mini just to keep in the front of my business binders. If you are a self ran-small business, I recommend it to you too.

Pinterest is FILLED with vision board ideas! From the super simple writing-only versions, to collage styles, and ones for a specific visual aesthetic. Canva even has digital templates if that’s more your speed.
If you want any in-depth ideas I totally recommend checking out more there.
As for my Tips and ideas/suggestions for making a Vision Board-
- Break it down into different categories: career, health, bucket list … etc.
- Motos & Mantras are welcomed
- Pictures – Use your pictures and magazine cuts
- Bring out your crafty/scrapbook side
My biggest tip is to HAVE FUN! Make it a thing. Do it with friends and family! Make it a crafty event. Maybe have everyone bring some extras, like stickers, magazines, and markers. One of my friends once brought some old calendars and I have to say they were some of my favorite pieces to use.
Something about them seems a little less daunting, less pressure, and a little more mental health friendly. Tap into your creative side. Allow yourself to dream big, manifest, and envision your goals instead of feeling the “I must do such and such.” We all know how the last few years have taken some unpredictable turns, so let’s try to be a little kinder to ourselves and take a different route this year.
Happy manifesting! Make sure to tag me on my socials if you end up making yours…or share in the comments below!

Katherine McLee
Just about to make one for this year so this is perfect! Thank you for sharing! Happy New Year!