Hi, my name is Felicia, and I am a mom to a Furry. J/K, it really isn’t like that AT ALL! In fact, I hope this article changes a lot of your preconceived notions of what a “Furry” is and helps guide you if you are having these conversations yourself. Really, I actually think it’s pretty awesome!
“Furries” are just another type of “Cosplay.” Though in this case, most if not all of these are just these creators “OCs” (Orginal Characters). Meaning, they are more often than not fur-covered characters created out of these makers’ imagination. Sometimes inspired by some show/anime/pop culture, but all some fun personality twists from the makers and the person under the fursuit.
Unfortunately, like cosplay and everything else in this world there are those that can and will objectify and sexualize it. But really that isn’t the majority, and I have seen that first hand. There is also a great documentary out called “The Fandom: A Furry Documentary”. It touches base on that aspect of the fandom as well as how furries got that rap in media. I honestly highly recommend watching it get an honest introduction to the world.
Another thing I recommend is this Podcast from Worst Year Ever Episode 11- “How The Furries Fought The Nazis and Won”. There are actually 2 parts to that one, but worth it. It really shines a light on how strong that community is and how it really tries to protect its people. The irony, how they are also WAY better at this all than mainstreamed communities. It made me really appreciate the fur community that much more.
The demographic of the community makes up about 80% are LGBTQ+ members which are why they are so fantastic about inclusion. It was a great space and outlet for my child to connect with.

At first, I may have had a pause since my kiddo is still young and I wasn’t sure there were going to be other kids their age or how they would be accepted. Kid cosplayers aren’t that common as it is, so I wasn’t sure about the fur world. But, happy to say all the members we have met and chatted with are great! They love sharing their craft, educating, and encouraging budding artists, aka “young-furs.” It’s really been such great support and something especially wonderful to connect with during this time of quarantine.
My only advice though is still go about your normal social media safety protocols (though we’ve never ran into any issues there).
Another, big tip! If your kid is also begging for a fursuit…well, this isn’t a cheap hobby! If you are already a cosplayer you probably get this. But think dollar signs! Pretty much everything is handmade/custom and really worth it. But your child is probably still growing, so my advice would be to get tails, masks, paws, or ears, but hold off on that “full” fursuit until growing has stopped.
Also, do what I did! Encourage your kid to start this process by having them make their own. It may not look like their favorite YouTuber’s but it’s a great learning process. (It also makes you understand the costs some of these makers charge.) One of our favorites to learn from is artist, Neffertity! She is fantastic.
Really, like any other artistic, creative outlet, enjoy it! Support them. Be your Young-Fur’s bodyguard, paparazzi, and cheerleader. (Also, check out Pocari Roo, she also does some great general furry education. She also has an episode about being a furry “handler,” like “wrangler” or assistant.)

Some of my favorite moments have been while they were in a fursuit, just because it seems to take all the social anxiety away and let’s them just explore and create. I love seeing how other tiny kids react to seeing my kiddo in a fursuit, it’s pure magic. Just like our cosplay times with our charity group.
Their art keeps evolving! One of the funnest parts of the community is the character drawing exchanges. Seeing different interpretations of each other’s “fursona.” It’s fantastic!
I really owe a lot to the Furry Community for being so wonderful! They have really been great for us, not just the little tween in a fursuit.
If you are interested in more information, check this Q&A post out, and feel free to ask us your questions in the comments below.

The Other Mrs Fields
Wow! I had no idea about the Furry community. What a wonderful outlet and definitely unique. Is it strictly on the west coast or throughout the US? I am familiar with Cosplay but had no idea everything that goes into it. Such a fascinating article. Thank you!
It’s beyond the US! In fact, Pocari Roo, mentioned above is in Australia. It’s all over, which makes it that much more fun!
Glad you enjoyed the article too.
Jen javelet
So interesting. Iām glad they found an outlet to be themselves and get rid of that pesky anxiety.
Jen Dodrill
I don’t know much about furries, but I LOVE that you’re so accepting and encouraging! Sounds like your kiddo is having fun!
They are having soooo much fun! And I just love seeing them in those creative or acting modes, I honestly couldn’t see how not to encourage them. Thank you!
Ashly Martinez
I love this! I had the kiddo make her first cosplay pieces as well and I think it makes the finished product so much more rewarding.