
Real Talk-




*Trigger Warning, as some of you have been through situations of cyberstalking and stalking.*

Ok, so how do you feel about “stalkers”? Cyberstalkers? Do your opinions change when it becomes cyberstalking? Like as someone, you used to know cyberstalks you? How do you feel knowing someone is stalking you? How do you feel or process it? Stalking…Cyberstalking how do you cope?

And no, this isn’t an “Oh, I wonder how this old ex-friend is doing?” situation.

Recently I have confirmed what I already suspected was happening and it made me realize how truly helpless most of us are in this day and age. Yes, I guess I can stop my line of work, disappear off of social media and stop writing, but who wins? This is what I do, this is my art. My goal is to share my knowledge, life, to help others.


Should I stop and hide because I know someone is stalking me?

I can’t really share specifics for safety reasons, but let’s just say, this isn’t “I’m just checking in on such and such to see how they are doing.” Pretty sure it’s actually a routine…which I think is the scariest part.

It’s weird but today I had a therapy session and this was our main focus. It’s given me a lot to think over. One of the questions was am I “flattered” knowing this person is cyberstalking me. That was probably the quickest hard “NO” ever. My poor therapist had a quick chuckle and an audible note, “I will never ask you that again.” I honestly, laughed at myself, but after years of being tangled with this individual and even knowing some past events, I knew there are always repercussions, even when I thought we were taking a good healthy healing step there was always backlash. I fear just writing and sharing this may encourage that.

Honestly, it’s probably just as frustrating not actually knowing the angle this person is googling and stalking me for. Would it change it if I knew? Will it change after I publish this? Not like I can do anything about it, I just have to accept it. Just realizing this makes me emphasize so much more for all those out there dealing with situations far scarier than mine.

This whole ordeal just makes me realize even more how little protections there are on either end of this. Nothing to protect the potential victim or even the accused stalker. There is nothing court order protection worthy in most of the time until it’s too late. Stalking, cyberstalking just tends to be just a first step of many steps.

If you are also dealing with this, maybe one of these 2 links will set you on a helpful path-


Department of Justice – Stalking

I’m one of the few that probably even knew ahead of time, most don’t find out till it’s too late. But what is there to do with the information of knowing this? Sadly, in my case, nothing.

I pray one day there is something and there are protections in place. My heart hurts thinking of those that are in the thick of these feelings, battles or have unfortunately gotten beyond this point.

Hugs to you all.



Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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One thought on “Stalking…Cyberstalking.

  1. Nancy Flint

    I hope you are safe!

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