
Nerd Life-


The Wonders that is “Bluey”!!! (Yes, I’m talking about a Kids’ Show)


Oh, Bluey! Who would imagine a little kid’s show from Australia about a family of dogs would be out there winning all these kids, teens, and parents’ hearts!? Actually, not just parents, some adult friends that are totally kidless love it just as much. Have you heard of Bluey yet? If you haven’t seen it yet, allow me to share a bit.

To answer probably your first question – “Where can I watch it?” It’s streaming on Disney+, for those outside Australia.

And you are probably wondering, “Why?” Well, there’s a lot of why’s! Let’s see if I can give some quick reasons. I would say it comes down to being such a well-written show.

There is a lot to Bluey. It has such a diverse set of characters! Love the humor! And, I especially love the wonderful way they scrap gender stereotypes. Like come-on! Even with the names of the main characters “Bluey” and sibling “Bingo,” they are both girls!

Mom, oops, “Mum” and Dad of the Heeler Family are just adorable! There are quick interactions between just the parents that are just too perfect. My kiddo often chuckles and draws parallels between my partner and myself with Bandit (dad) and Chilli (mum). I can’t complain, it’s rather cute and flattering. Especially if you see the “Tickle Crabs” episode. “Fancy Restaurant” one is pretty cute too. Another big thing with the writing of the parents is they both have very hands-on parenting roles. You see the teamwork. My partner especially loves that Bluey actually depicts an involved, loving and present father. That isn’t a common theme in any shows that come to mind.

PinkNews released an article criticizing the Bluey. Though reading it and most of the responses I have a feeling those criticizing aren’t really watching.

They were upset by “the lack of diversity.” But if you watch the show it’s pretty evident all the dog breeds are there. Not only there, but represent our diversity in our human society.

Another complaint was that there wasn’t a depiction of “single parenting homes.” I actually think there was more of this in Season 3, but I could be wrong. But while the main characters are a 2 parent home, there are other characters that aren’t. Winton (an English bulldog) talks often in a kid’s way about his parent’s homes being separate.

If you watch enough you see how things are portrayed. There have been bits addressing neurodiverse issues and characters with disabilities. Some kid characters are even in wheelchairs. I feel like it’s all being handled just the way a kid’s view would be. No matter the topic at hand.

I’m not saying I wouldn’t look forward to the day there were LGBTQ+ characters worked into a more present role. I just have a feeling they are just trying to make this family’s way into it all as normal and unforced as it can be. It is so completely refreshing that there aren’t really gendered stereotypes at play. That’s probably why my enby loves it so much and can relax watching it.

There really aren’t many kids’ shows that I could honestly say I enjoy. …Heck, or even really have a reason to watch! But wow, where was this when my kiddo was little?! The fun thing is even though they are currently 13. Bluey has totally become that comfort show to them and now for us.

The only bummer is living in the US we’re always a season behind. We get it on Disney+ where in Australia it’s just on their cable networks. So here we are patiently waiting for next season. In the meantime, we’ll just be watching random clips on TikTok, lol.

BTW, if anyone was to ever ask me of my favorite Bluey moments, hands down, all of them would be a “Grannies” involved moment. I die laughing every time Bingo & Bluey play like these two granny characters. Their Rita and Janet characters are hilarious!!! Muffin, their cousin, is a close second. …Especially, her cone of shame episode!

I’m seriously typing this and by myself laughing just thinking about it. Totally not a “Caillou” or “Cocomelon” show. Get your kids into this one instead! Thank me later. Hehe.

bluey pin


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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One thought on “The Wonders that is “Bluey”!!! (Yes, I’m talking about a Kids’ Show)

  1. Qiana

    We love Bluey! Even my 65 yr old mom loves it. I think she was laughing harder at the jokes than my toddler lol

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