If I see one more article with the “What age is too old for Trick-or-Treating?” in my feed I just might lose it! And I’m sure I’m not the only one screaming STFU at all of these posts. So here’s my 2 cents.
Halloween and trick-or-treating are for everyone! Repeat that with me, “Halloween and Trick-or-Treating is for EVERYONE!” And when I say “everyone” I mean “everyone.” I am lucky to live in a neighborhood that goes all out. The kind that some neighbors are well off enough to have treats ready for the pups, as well as the moms and dads. And this is the kind of spirit I want to feel in my holidays.

Do I think teens should be doing their trick-or-treating at the same time as everyone else? Absolutely! But that’s mostly because I feel bad when they wait for later hours and almost all the candy is out. They shouldn’t have to wait so they “look younger” or whatever their reasoning is. I am also happy to see teens. Most of the time they are toting a much younger relative and it’s endearing, but even when not, I am happy to see it. In fact, I encourage my kiddo and their friends. My partner and I even still walk with them and will again this year. I’m all for wholesome family time over parties that can lead to questionable situations.
And let’s talk about the magic that comes with age. That moment when you are finally old enough to pick out your costume. Pay for your first costume. Make your first costume! I’m all for fostering that creativity that comes with being old enough to create your own costume. That’s something the tiny tots can’t even enjoy yet. Plus, you never know how the Halloween skills might play into their future endeavors. Will this make them become a theater geek? Act? Set creation? Costume makers? You never know what little things like this might spark.
Also, I should also point out, that you never know when Halloween candy could save a life. Really! Back in 2016 a Washington family became stranded and had only Halloween candy to survive. So you never know. you might also just be saving a life by not being stingy.

There will come a day when every kid decides it isn’t for them, but let them choose that time. No need to rush them into adulthood. Let’s foster the fun while we can. So, no judgment, all treats, no tricks.
Happy Halloween!