

Nerd Life

My Kind of Christmas Movies: Top 3 of All Time!

christmas movies

Christmas Movies time!!!

We all grow up with certain traditions, well one of mine has been a certain requirement of cheesy-ish Christmas Specials. These movies and songs trigger that holiday feel for this nerd. Ah, memories.

Sometimes these things just become so hardwired into the holiday that it just doesn’t even feel like a holiday without them. I must admit, these little ones have become so required that even my kiddo is now also attached! And it is extremely possible that when I used to work in kid care, I may have had the littles watch at least the first 2 on my list. πŸ˜‰ Though these kids will never know the fun of the real original versions recorded on VHS and with all the old 80’s commercials. Think, Ronald McDonald ice skating… it’s still great seeing the next generation just as enthralled in my childhood favorites.

Before I get to the top 3, let me share some of my other favorites-

*Bonus Christmas Movies*

-My Top 3 Christmas Movies Picks-

1. Will Vinton’s Claymation Christmas Celebration – You may have completely forgotten about this gem from the late ’80s (1987 to be exact) but odds are you remember The California Raisins singing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” It was a fun little special filled with stop motion clay characters each doing their own tribute to different traditional Christmas songs. Some were just cute and funny, while other songs were just drop-dead gorgeous and impressive, like “Joy to the World” and “O Christmas Tree.” *If you remember this, maybe you remember their Easter Special? Bunny driving to “Lowrider” ringing any bells?

2. Garfield Christmas – This one actually shared the same VHS space as my beloved Claymation Christmas, so I’m pretty sure they were aired back to back in 1987 on CBS. But, wow, how much we love this one! Probably the best of all Garfield movies and specials. Just a fun Christmas on the farm with Jon’s family. Grandma is a treasure. The songs are fun. It’s just cute.

3. Emmett Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas – I feel like this is another Jim Henson cult classic. In fact, today was the first day I saw some super cute Jug-Band inspired items like band shirts! And all the little characters made out of felt! I may die of cuteness! But, it was 1977 tv special that even Kermit makes a tiny appearance. Really though, all you need is the title to know what you are in store for. Oh and I have some good news, after years of trying to get a copy, they have DVD on Amazon and it’s streaming free on Prime currently!

Ok, so tell me! What’s on your must-watch Holiday List??? How many of these did you remember? What did I forget that I need to add? And, yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but it isn’t on my list, lol!

cristmas movies pin
Disclaimer – I do not own the images, videos, or trademarks to those used in this post.


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.Β  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

97 posts Articles

13 thoughts on “My Kind of Christmas Movies: Top 3 of All Time!

  1. Brenda

    Great choices! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ€Ά

    1. Felicia

      Thanks & to you too, Happy 2021!

  2. Brenda

    I love your Christmas movie choices!! Thanks for sharing! Have q Merry Christmas!πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ€Ά

  3. Cris

    You went way off the beaten path for those!! πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ’—πŸ’—

    1. Felicia

      But these were like childhood staples for me. I still can’t believe I’m like the only one that remembers them.

  4. Melissa M

    OMG sometimes I think I was the only kid to watch Emmet Otter!! haha I made Jason watch it and he was so confused why I liked it!!! Nostalgia!!

    1. Felicia

      Emmet Otter is the BEST!!!!! Hehe.

  5. Carrie

    There are so many original ideas here. I can’t wait to look them up. I’m excited to watch the Lego Starwars Holiday Special. Lego movies crack me up. Thank you!

    1. Felicia

      I know! Like the Lego movies are “meant for kids” but I swear they are more entertaining for us adults. LOL! Welcome.

  6. Alycia

    I haven’t seen a lot of these! I’ll have to check these out now that I’m on vacation ! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Felicia

      Welcome! Hope you enjoyed them!

  7. Amy Irvin

    Interesting picks! I haven’t watched any of these. I tend to look up new, corny type Christmas movies on Prime Video.

    1. Felicia

      At least a few of those were on Amazon Prime πŸ˜‰

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