



We Don’t Do Themed Christmas Trees

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So gorgeous, so picturesque, themed Christmas trees are stunning! Like straight out of a magazine or a postcardBUT, I could never do a “themed tree” unless that “theme” is no theme at all and utter chaos. Does that count?

See, we decide to move away from the Hallmark movie or Matha Stewart Christmas Tree way and go more towards a tradition full of memories.

christmas tree

Every year we pick an ornament for the kiddo and one for us representing our year. Some years have more events than others, so at times we end up with a few more. Like this year, we got Dex, we got engaged (post about that to come), and the kid got us addicted to Bluey. Last year was more a nod to the kiddo’s first fursona. Every year it’s something so different and I love it!

Honestly, some of my favorite ornaments bring back the best kind of memories. Like the one, we got for San Diego Zombiewalk’s tie-in with Anna and the Apocalypse! It was an SDCC memory with friends and family I would never forget, plus the undead retired shortly after.

I also tend to make Shutterfly custom ornaments for the special couples in our lives. “First Married Christmas” ornament with those wedding pictures, just seems like a must to me. And of course, it’s also important for those Baby’s First Christmas, because ya, I even got a first Christmas ornament for our fur baby. (Thanks Target for that one.)

I actually kind of touched on this subject way back when, I think like 2016? for then San Diego Moms Blog. Which is funny, though a lot has changed in my life, I mean A LOT, this one thing has stayed the same. In fact, it’s probably even gotten more colorful as the kiddo has gotten older and my partner and I have a fun sense of who we are.

Christmas trees

One other thing we do to our Christmas trees that might be a tad different, you know those Halloween light projectors? Well, I have a fun green and gold one and it’s too good to only use for just one holiday. So, as you may have guessed it gets projected onto the tree. Actually, in from the center of the fake tree. In past years I have aimed it at, but in the recent holidays, I’ve found it even more magical when I wedge the projector inside. It just makes our little artificial tree seem greener and lights bounce off the ornaments. Just gives for a fun effect, especially when all the lights have gone off for the night.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all those well-planned trees, but for us, we’ll always live in chaotic color! Plus, no one can get me to stop hanging all the cute kid art ones I’ve collected throughout the years. Hehe. Actually, I’m pretty sure my mom still has those dough and bead ones my sisters and I had made for her when we were still in elementary school, lol! I can’t fault her. I’m also a sucker for the sentimental.

I get themes have a time and a place, but as for my home goes sentimental wins. As for theme parks and hotels, ya, I’ll appreciate a well-thought-out theme. Neutral and photo-ready.

But what do you think? Any special traditions like this for you? And be honest, what do you prefer? Themed Christmas trees (color or one central thought)??? Or a hodge-podge tree? Curious, since we know where Pinterest wants us to be, lol. And it is sooo never me!

Christmas Trees Pin


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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