

Nerd Life-


Depeche Mode Devotee

depeche mode delta machine concert

Shocked! Just so shocked I haven’t shared about this Depeche Mode love sooner. I have shared about my Labyrinth obsession more than once here. I have shared about my emo music times. May have mentioned my love of Depeche Mode, but I have never gotten to share how really core to my existence they are. Well, I am fixing that now. With a new album and a new tour about to kick off, I figured no better time to share.

If you are one of those, “Who is Depeche Mode?” people, let me help. I guarantee you have a least heard of them. I mean “Last of Us” even had a Depeche Mode moment. Possibly you have heard a cover of one of their songs? Johnny Cash was among them. He covered one of Depeche Mode’s very popular songs, “Personal Jesus”. Also, Depeche Mode was also inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2020. The same year as Nine Inch Nails, so if you watched that you saw them too. But the one song of many that I know you must have heard and would know them for is “Enjoy the Silence”.

gahan autograph on felicia

To this day I still get friends messaging me every time they hear Depeche Mode on the radio. I love it. Love it so much! I have to admit, every time I have a little chuckle, smile, and think that is how it should be, hehe. And let me say, these are friends from all stages in my life, so if anything, this has been a constant obsession.

After the recent success of securing my DM tickets in presale, I was going on a little memory lane trip with my friends on Facebook. Looks like “Memento Mori” will be my 6th DM Tour. But that’s just one piece of my DM stats.

Some of my Depeche Mode Credentials (Stats)-

depeche mode fans felicia and kiddo

Depeche Mode has been such a big part of my life that even my kiddo wanted to go with me to DM’s last tour back in 2017. They wanted that to be their first concert ever! Talk about a good choice. When given the option for this tour they were also determined to go. Just like their mama, hoping to see Depeche Mode as many times as possible.

I must admit the ticket-buying process these days really lacks though. (Set aside the Ticketmaster/AXS/Live Nation monopoly.) I remember waking up at the crack of dawn to wait outside of Sam Goodys hoping to get tickets. Very old people speak of me, but “back in the day” there was really something to meeting others while waiting for concert tickets. Especially being in line with other Devotees in such a bonding way.

depeche mode fans

I have friends for life thanks to Depeche Mode shows. Somehow Sara (listed above in my stats) and her plus one, Griselda, whom I met at a Dave Gahan meet and greet, we have been able to be friends since that day. Friends longer than I have been a mom! We even managed to stay in contact pre-social media days! Sara and I had to rely on good old snail mail and emails. Now meeting up at concerts and DM movie events is a requirement. Our group has grown to even include more than just our friends/family, but also our kiddos. Just adds to the special bond this band has created.

With all that said, I am overly excited for this new album and tour. Sadly, we will miss seeing Andy Fletcher at his keyboard, but they really sound like back in their heyday! The first single “Ghosts Again” is amazing!

*I can’t say they are “back to their roots” because it’s not like the Vince Clarke days of “Just Can’t Get Enough”. That really isn’t them, even though, that is still fun. But, this new album is very much the Depressed Mode we all know and love. Yes, I might be slightly biased, but I have heard the same thoughts echoed by many others. But only time will tell. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the “Memento Mori” release date brings us.

Curious (as always), do you have a band that you must own every album and see every tour? Also, did you have a Depeche Mode memory or opinion? Or were you completely, like “who the heck is that?!” Share! Let’s chat in the comments below!

depeche mode devotee pin


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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One thought on “Depeche Mode Devotee

  1. Sara

    Wow, other Mrs. Gahan! We have done a lot in the 19+ years since we met in front of “god” himself… Dave Gahan! Our love for DM has paid off! Meeting him and sharing DM movies/concerts with our kids and family has been amazing. The love for them continues! Thank you for being a great DM bff! See you December 6th!!!! 🎶

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