
Mental Health-

Nerd Life

Ello Again! Ello! I’m Back…

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Hello, Ello There!

I know it’s been a bit, especially blog-wise, but I’m back again. This definitely isn’t my typical format of blog posts either, but I wanted to send a little letter of sorts. It was time to catch you up and share some thoughts going into the holiday season and the new year.

The time post-Comic-Con (SDCC) blog post was planned for a little downtime. I typically take a little gap there between the convention and school starting. But I wasn’t planning on keeping my writing on the back burner for nearly this long! I was basically wearing too many hats and burning myself out on all ends. And then the family needs really struck.

For those of you who either didn’t catch my posts on Instagram or are strictly blog readers, you probably didn’t hear, but my grandmother passed. Our Nana meant a lot to us. I was actually trying to be with her as much as I could before that day. We knew it was coming. But, it still hit hard, and well, with any kind of life circumstance or moments of grief there’s a process. I encourage you to take a step back, focus on mental health first, and work your way down on the list of priorities. It honestly took me far too much bandwidth just to keep my media going and every attempted blog post just didn’t feel right at the time.

But with all that said I am finally coming out of my brain fog and really excited, actually antsy to get all these things I have been thinking and working on out here. I wish it didn’t take me this long, but it is what it is. Life happens.

Now onto the fun stuff! Ello Felicia’s Offbeat Gift Guide is back, so keep an eye out for the updates! Also, keep an eye on all my Ello Felicia social media pages, because there is a good chance of some extra fun coming there. (Giveaways, cough, cough.) Beyond that, my plan is to share some posts I had been holding back on. Ones that are a little more personal and a little more in the mental health and disabilities wavelength. And as always, expect more nerdy stuff and resource lists of the LGBTQ+ nature. So basically more of your favorite things…maybe even more on FURRIES! 😉

Anyhow, I’m really excited to be back in a space to connect again! Let me know in the comments below if there was some question or topic you have been dying for me to cover. Or just a “hello” I missed you!



P.S. Sign up for the Email Blasts! And if you are already signed up, don’t be surprised to start getting emails from me again too, hehe.


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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