*Warning, this will be a straight-up VOTE and POLITICS Post. You have been warned.*
I actually hate to do this post. Really, I believe most of you, my wonderful followers can pretty much guess where I stand in the land of Political Beliefs. I feel like I share enough political posts on my media that it shouldn’t be a surprise. But, after a weird Instagram run-in, it has become apparent that it is completely necessary to make this Public Decree of my Political Stance.

This fighter, this advocate, is all about doing what’s possible for LOVE, HEALTH, and EQUALITY.
So, if we have to boil my political views down to anything, it just comes down to that one thought. I am if anything, just Anti-Trump, and his Administration.
Examples being-
- I Am Anti-Bullying. Anti-Racism. Anti-Sexism. Anti-Ableism…
- Pro-Environment. Pro-Equality. Pro-Education. Pro-Science. And Pro-TRUE Life, aka, I support you are your decisions, you know what is best for YOUR life! I want you to have the funding to have medical, to be able to eat, to be able to thrive.
You may be asking why would an Instagram incident make me so compelled to put this out there? Why is a post on politics needed? Especially my specific political beliefs, I get that. My mother always taught me to keep who I voted for to myself growing up and I never understood it but respected it. The funny thing is in this election I realized why she would say to do so. The irony is for all the reasons not to share my vote those are the exact same reasons I feel the most compelled and needed to share it now.
It all boils down to this, I listen and try to educate. I try to be as understanding to everyone as possible, but it crosses a line when you assume I will align with beliefs like Trump’s agenda. Though I may get a lot of spam hate from this very public announcement and stance, I don’t want anyone to misunderstand this key thing, I will NEVER say I love you and VOTE against your safeties, your rights, or even mine.

If it isn’t clear yet-
I Voted for Biden & Harris.
Our children deserve to be safe to be themselves no matter skin tone, religion, gender orientation, or love interests. I believe our kids deserve the chance for clean air and green space. National parks and animal protections for their future to be able to see the world in all its beauty, not just in books.
Our children also deserve the right to learn about our history, the good and the bad. Learn from it, to do better. It’s that old adage, “those that don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” The next generation and future generations need to learn about or dark periods as well as highlights. No one is perfect and it’s ok to learn to change opinions.
And at the most basic, simple, and selfish level, I am Anti ANYONE threatening to take my child’s rights…your child, anyone’s child. This shouldn’t even be up for debate.
Here’s the key, don’t mistake me for being a supporter of HATE. You can make a million fake profiles and I have a right to delete and block every single one of them. My guarantee to you, my followers, supports, I will never allow my platforms to be used to spread the trumpet rhetoric. I’m here for you! We will get through this together!
No fake profiles or online harassments is going to change that. My vote is in and counted. I will repeat for those in the back, I VOTED Biden-Harris 2020.
The tiny silver lining, I guess it’s good that the holidays are mostly small gatherings this year. I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one in violation of the “don’t talk politics” rule this year. Lol!
Stay safe! Stay healthy! Practice some self-care and maybe let politics slip to the back of your mind once you’ve done your civic duty. And, let’s all take a big deep breath together!
I love that you’ve found your voice. I’m sending lots of hope and positivity your way!
Thank you! I am honestly always scared to make the wrong person upset, but I have really realized I need to put what’s right first, always.
Appreciate you sharing, great post. Really thank you! Awesome. Riane Pietrek Jegger