

Mental Health-

Real Talk

Self-Acceptance ~ My 2021 New Year’s Resolution


I know what you are probably thinking just reading the title, “resolution”“Studies show that only 8% of Americans who make a New Year’s resolution actually keep them all year and 80% have failed by the start of February.”Times-Tribune Let’s admit these stats are everywhere. We all know them. Though this isn’t my case, typically if I set myself to something I am pretty committed and determined. BUT, this year though may be a little tougher. I want to work on body acceptance, my body, no matter the stage in the game. All weights and sizes.

Honestly, I have a pretty good track record with my resolutions, but, this one, this one seems really tough.

My weight has fluctuated almost all my life, but when I was pregnant with my kiddo my body was hit hard (hyperemesis gravidarum). And between the depression of being a rough marriage, my weight gain and drop was ridiculous! No matter the number on the scale I could never say I was happy with myself.

I blame a lot of this on diet culture growing up, though. Really it’s embedded in me.

It’s probably sad to admit, but it took me FOREVER just to be okay with wearing horizontal stripes thanks to one damn mom to daughter lesson. F*^& that! I love my stripes! And well, screw those “rules”!

In the recent few years, I would even post and share like I was “happy with my body,” but I am going to be so transparent, behind that post I would be pissed! Start nitpicking! MY CHIN! “Too pointy” (these are during my “skinnier moments” or my current trigger, missing my defined chin). Honestly, low angle photos make me want to cry and takes me A LOT to post or share.

That infuriating line, too much, too little. Never just right.

It really is a weird balance because whenever I lose the weight to make that “target number” it’s like my loose skin pisses me off more! It’s an infuriating cycle in adulthood for sure.

It’s like my weight loss or gain is always too much one way or another and I am just never happy….so this is why this resolution.

I need to learn to just be happy with being healthy and accepting myself where I am.

Quarantine weight be damned! I am happy, I’m healthy as I’ve been. I’m staying at home. I’m staying safe. If my partner doesn’t care, why do I?? …and really, why would anyone care? And, no one’s opinions are going to help or matter till my opinion matters.

I really need to learn self-love and acceptance. Celebrate where I am at.

There are a few great (hate to say, but gonna say) social media “role-models” that I’ve found, (listed below). I love what they share, preach, and oddly enough I have never once judged so much as a wrinkle on them, but here I am constantly shaming! Hopefully, this will be my year to take a page out of their playbook and just love this body I was given.

If you are struggling, like me, may I recommend following them; Kayla Logan, Megan Crabbe (Bodyposipanda), and Melissa (Chasingbacklight).

Also, Please Spam Me with any encouragement that has worked for you. Any resources soooo welcomed! Diet Schemes Not Welcomed!

I’m ready to try hard for this in 2021! Let this be another resolution that sticks! (crossing fingers)

resolution pin


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.Β  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

97 posts Articles

9 thoughts on “Self-Acceptance ~ My 2021 New Year’s Resolution

  1. Melissa McClure

    Awww thanks for including me!!
    I will say…burlesque has changed my life! πŸ˜‰

    1. Felicia

      Of course! Thank you! And, hopefully, one day I can give it a shot πŸ˜‰

  2. J

    Do what makes you happy! Don’t worry about what your body looks like, but rather how your body feels. I started working out daily and haven’t shed a pound BUT I feel so much more motivated and energized throughout the day, so I am choosing to focus on that. If your body is not feeling good, find what makes it feel good (Sexy time? Working out? Eating? Wearing your favorite outfit? Relaxing?)!

    1. Felicia

      Awe! Great advice! I guess I need to figure out what makes me feel at my best self πŸ˜‰

  3. Elaine

    Love your post. Let’s all start 2021 on a positive note. I plan to be grateful every day and to practice more self-care (Meals/exercise/yoga/relaxation).
    Happy and healthy New Year to you.

    1. Felicia

      Thank you! Hope your getting your goals achieved too!

  4. Elaine

    Love your post. Let’s all start 2021 on a positive note. I plan to be grateful every day and to practice more self-care (Meals/exercise/yoga/relaxation).
    Happy and healthy New Year to you.

  5. Kelsey

    Love this! I think this is a beautiful resolution that we could all benefit from doing! <3

    1. Felicia

      Thank you so much! <3

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