



Valentine’s Day is Here Again

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Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, or “Single Awareness Day” no matter what you think of it, it’s here again! Are you ready? Do you have anything planned? Even just out with the friends kind of way?

be my valentine

To be honest, I still haven’t really “mastered” this day. I would ask, “…but, has anyone?” Until I ended up in this ridiculously high bar-setting, lesbian end of TikTok. Quickly I learned there definitely are some couples that got this down! Have you seen the video I’m referencing? If not you need to! Go watch! I’ll wait and make sure to watch the reaction video after. This isn’t just going above and beyond on Valentine’s Day, but going all out just to ask, “Will You Be My Valentine?” And you know what? Not gonna lie, even I am a little bit jealous. Since then there has been even more relationship TikToks of this nature popping up on my For You Page (F.Y.P.). Though, I am pretty sure the one I mentioned was the first going around. And maybe worth noting, none of them being of the hetero-variety.

On the coin flip side of things, I’m seeing a ton of stitches commenting on the low bar of this guy. It’s a hetero-couple account. He’s overly dramatically whining about asking his girl of over five years to be his Valentine. Though the stitches are serious about taking the minimum, we all know it’s really a joke. Sadly, my brain says, “Hey! At least he’s still pretending to ask. Let’s be honest, how many of us actually get asked to be someone’s Valentine?” Or am I just calling myself out on this….? Oop.

Before I deep dive into that… allow me to give you some ideas for your partner, kids, or a little self-love.

Hint Hint, most of my “Offbeat Guide” would work and totally help you.
valentine's day fireplace - paper + paste

In fact, I personally have decor up from Paper + Paste right now. And tis the season I frequently rock my “Spread Love, Not Hate” shirt from Craft LoCo. (Not that I don’t all year, but it gets more play during this season.)

Something kind of outside the conventional ideas, if you want to do something extra special, more on the “good deed” side of things, make sure to see what Heart & Sola is up to! This one pulls at my heartstrings! She’s doing a sponsor a wooden flower to be given to various assisted living facilities. You need to read all the details, but talk about how sweet is that?!

As for the more traditional stuff you can always seek out the classics. Chocolate, lingerie, or “naughty” stuff, but may I suggest you check out these to give it a twist? Plus, who said you can’t buy any of it for yourself?! Cause literally my favorite “Valentine’s Day” wear are pajamas I got from AdoreMe. Oh, and speaking of chocolate, did I mention Ghirardelli’s is having a sale? 😉 As for “naughty”, self-love, queer-love, … you name it, check out small business, Restrained Grace. And I’ll admit they’re a personal favorite of mine. You may recognize a few of my jewelry pieces from them.

As much as I give my partner crud about not asking me to be his Valentine, I must admit I’m lucky to get love and surprises from him spontaneously without a holiday forcing it. He even surprised me with coffee and Nightmare Before Christmas Flowers, not too long ago, and” just because.” I guess what I am trying to say is whether or not it’s your kind of thing a little cheesiness goes a long way. It never hurts to still do something sweet.

Tell me, are you doing anything this February 14th?

valentine's day pin


Felicia is a "nerd" mom who passionate about performing arts and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community.  Felicia's interests include crafting, cosplay, and adventures with her family. Felicia is a San Diego native with one child and a degree in Behavioral Science.

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One thought on “Valentine’s Day is Here Again

  1. Courtney Finley

    I thought that ticktock video of the women asking her gf to be her valentine was sooo sweet!!!! I loved the cupcake idea with the lettering, the cute card and candle!!
    Honestly my husband and I don’t really do valentine’s day anymore…idk… I’m just not into it, but to be honest I knitter they there are some couples who probably go all out!!!

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