“Potter” is a part of many nerdy fandoms, but not in my case. Mostly because of one reason, J.K. Rowling.
This isn’t an Anti-Harry Potter post, but maybe a bigger picture of “why” I don’t post about Potter. Also, maybe some of you have caught on in all my sponsorship nerdom I never plug anything in the Potter realm. Well, there are some definite reasons for me avoiding these wizards. Though the irony of writing a post saying, “why I don’t” while doing so is not left on me.

As a “nerd” most assume Harry Potter is a part of that nerdom obsession equation though, it never really was in my case, thankfully. I read a few of the books, saw maybe 2 movies, and did wish to go eat my way through Potter World…but I would never claim to be a Potter fan or what, “Potter Head?”
Like I said before, I’m thankful as I’m sure this next part has been the hardest part for fans to reconcile.
The point, so yeah, FUCK J.K. Rowling! There, I said it. I mean she is literally the only reason I can’t allow myself to buy, write, promote any Harry Potter-related items. Basically, I don’t want her making another dime. All that official merch she makes money off of and heck no, not on my watch.
If you are wondering why I am so anti-Rowling at this point, maybe you missed it, but basically, she’s a TERF. If you aren’t familiar with that term, TERF is an acronym. “Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist” aka trans-women aren’t “real” to them or don’t belong in their feminist dialog. Pretty much hateful and extremely transphobic. Rowling is like the definition of a TERF. Even Glamour did a rundown on her tweets.
This isn’t the only thing or time she has come under fire either, feel free to read this article from The Guardian about her writing of Native-American wizards. Even Nicole Byer used her Netflix stand-up special to point out the problematic Rowling (it was fantastic, btw).
You get the point. Rowling is and has been at her rants for a good long while and because of that, some may wonder why am I now sharing this, why break my silence now? Well, it’s pretty simple, because of all the hype around the HBO Harry Potter Reunion Special. Though I heard she wasn’t really included much in the special and they carefully removed her a bit from the narrative, which made me feel a bit better. But, I think it’s important we don’t forget why we shouldn’t be buying official stuff or supporting that woman.
If you are a fan, I get it! We’ve all been there. I’m still reeling from Whedon as I’ve always been a die-hard Buffy fan. But, we need to think before we spend. Look at buying “official” things second-hand first. Books from your local thrift store. I’m actually going to encourage you to buy those knock-off items from Amazon and Wish….anything but “official” or first-run purchases.
I am also coming to terms that this wallet protest may also sadly, mean my dreams of eating my way through Potter World may never come to be. But it’s ok! I’m happier putting my money elsewhere. …like donating to Transgender Assitance programs in her name, hehe.